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  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes, 29 seconds ago

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June 22 Letter

Rushton Family,

So I was made District Leader. Yeah.  We’ve had a couple amazing days here. Yesterday was intensely spiritual as I learned the true definitions of teaching people and not lessons.  I’ve been training myself to truly listen (what a novel idea, right?); to not form any idea of what I’m going to say back to the investigator until they finish what it is they’re saying.  Combined with picturing people, “not as they are, but as they can become”, this has proved to be the single most effective method of inviting the spirit of revelation that I have ever experienced.  I also know that have seen prayers answered here and have seen my calling fulfilled as I’ve received revelation for my District.  I had to, at one point, resolve some contention in my companionship, which was a struggle, but we were able to resolve it peacefully and constructively.   We also set goals as a District today according to all that we’ve learned so far.  Faith does bring miracles and I see now that the spirit is who converts, not me.

This is worth it and I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.  Be good to yourselves and make sure to always see each others potential!

P.S. Part of my calling is picking up the mail (I’m a glorified mailman) so keep writing! It’s just embarrassing to hand out a bunch of letters and not get one myself!

Elder Austin A. Rushton

Elder Rushton II


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