When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 6 months, 28 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 19 seconds ago

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A Grey Christmas

Austin and Elder Mock modeling glasses

Back home I used to wonder what it would be like to be in a place on Christmas that didn’t have any snow or really any cold. Well, now I’m here, and it’s weird. I don’t like it. It’s just rainy and about 40-50 degrees.

Besides the weather, [...]

A Holey Heart

Elder Rushton and Elder Mock drawn by Evelyn Murdock

I lost Elder Sanders to the transfer van today. He has been sent down to Medford, and my MTC companion, Elder Brewer, is going to be a Zone Leader over them. I also heard that my trainee, Elder [...]

White Christmas in Eugene

Austin and Santa Clara missionaries.

This past week has been one of the most unorthodox of my mission.

For starters, it snowed about six inches in one day this week. Now for all my Utah friends, this probably seems like nothing…but get this. Eugene cancels school if there is even one inch. That’s how [...]

The Source

Austin loading up his plate at Thanksgiving

So due to all the problems I’ve been facing over the past several weeks without any indication of change, I decided I would take a step back this week and really examine everything that’s been happening. I wrote down all the problems [...]