When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes, 13 seconds ago

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Working Overtime

Austin and Elder Georgia with a tasty MRE

This past week has been just exhausting. We were inclined to go above our allotted 4 hours of service per week in order to finish a job. We spent that time installing a swamp cooler and, of course, leveling waist-high grass with a weed-whacker. It has [...]

Along Came Allergy Season

The sign says “No Trucks”!

Did you know that Oregon is the home of the grass seed capital of the world? Yeah, it’s miserable during this time of year. Even taking allergy meds isn’t enough! The temperatures spiked this week into the 90-degree range. Lucky for me, my companion, Elder Martin, injured his back [...]

What’s the Matter With Kids These Days???


Elder Austin Rushton and Companion

This past week was….well….fun. That’s the key to missionary work, though: just have fun with it; everything will work out! There seems to be a lot of willingness to receive us here in White City, and teaching people is a breeze, but getting them to church is a [...]