When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 18 hours, 12 minutes, 50 seconds ago

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Whiter than Bleached Printer Paper–Oct 20, 2014

Elder Austin Rushton giving his very best smile!

We’re onto the rainy season now. And here in Oregon that means that any form of tan anyone gained over the three or four months of sunshine is going to disappear. In fact, most Caucasian people I’ve met out here have been really REALLY white. I’ve [...]

Wet Feet–Oct 13, 2014

Elder Rushton with his companions taking a selfie.

Well everyone, it’s been a heckuva first week! Transfers always cause a lot of change in the way I have to approach things, and this one has been no different.

We were able to set up some appointments with people I’ve never met before, too, [...]

To Whom It May Concern 10/6/2014

Elder Austin Rushton testing the tonality of a squash.

I am getting a new companion. Elder Scott. He is…an intriguing young man. But I’m sure we’ll do marvelously. I’ve gotten a slew of interesting companions lately. Ones with reputations. Not necessarily bad ones, but just unique ones. And each one more unique than the [...]

Pizza Should Not be Had for More than One Meal a Day 9/29/2014

Austin covered with gnats after biking

Last P-Day (Monday), our zone held a miniature Olympics. We divided up by districts and competed in four little events. Well…my district won. And that was all well and good–we won a pizza party–but I did have to eat eighteen large marshmallows in two minutes to take second [...]

Check Yo-Self!

Austin at the Missionary games.

Okay people, I have some legit stories this week.

So we got a text message last Monday from our black Christian rapper investigator, with one word in it, “Brethren”. Upon further inquiry, we were told that he wanted to meet with us this week. We couldn’t fit him [...]