When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes, 32 seconds ago

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Hidden Treasures

Artists interpretation of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I think I got rewarded for being grateful for my TacoTime experiences last week, because this week was all Taco Express, literally and metaphorically!

First of all, we got Meals on Wheels dropped on us last minute for Wednesday morning, but that was fine because [...]

Taco Express

Elder Rushton takes a selfie at the temple.

About two weeks ago, Elder Kelsey and I went with the 2nd Ward elders, Elder Grantham and Elder Bearss, to lunch. They picked us up, and Elder Grantham said we were going to go to Taco Express. He was talking about how great it was the [...]

The Sun Rose….Again

Austin on P-Day with Oregon missionaries.

Guess what everyone. It’s 2015. It finally came. I didn’t spend a single day of 2014 outside of Oregon. I had no annual vacation, no formal schooling, no parades, no fireworks, no rollercoaster’s, and no concerts. It may be one of the only years of my life that [...]

Where He Went, He Usually Walked

Austin is not doing much walking in this picture.

Oh, why hello there boys and girls. I suppose you’re all here wondering what I did this week, aren’t you? Well you should know up front that I did it all without complaining, so that’s a small victory in itself

So what happened this [...]