When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes, 32 seconds ago

Recent Comments

Trippin’ Tripans: Austin’s Final Week in the Field

Elder Austin Rushton with his final replacement.

Good news everyone! I get to spend a week with my replacement before I leave! Unbeknownst to me, a bunch of emergency transfers happened this last week the day I left for the Portland temple. Tuesday, Elder Flora and I left around 2:00pm from Alturas to get [...]

Allergy Season

Alturas Members and Elders

My theme for this week has been my constant allergy attacks. I know that’s not very exciting–trust me, I don’t enjoy it either–but it is the truth! I remember back before I turned 16 I never had to worry about allergies. Now it seems like they get worse every year! [...]


Elder Austin Rushton and his companions bowling

So this P-day I’m emailing the old fashioned way: in our church’s family history center. Meanwhile, my iPad is fifty miles away in Lakeview, OR. What is it doing there you ask? Well you see, a man in a teal bowler hat came in a time machine [...]


Elder Austin Rushton has a Fiesta

Family, friends, and acquaintances who read this,

Today we are going to a zone activity. We will be hiking somewhere around Klamath Falls. To save ourselves about 100 miles, we drove an hour up to Lakeview at 7:00am this morning, and are now driving the two hours from [...]

Utah County

Elder Austin Rushton and Companions

My trainer and first companion in the field was Elder Argyle from Spanish Fork, Utah. Now my final companion is Elder Townsend from American Fork, Utah. They are the only two companions I’ve had throughout my whole mission who have been from Utah County. The first and the last. [...]