Erik and his companions model their fashionable ties
Dear family,
I feel like absolute crap today. Why did I have to get sick the last month of my mission!?! Saturday morning and afternoon we had two service projects and I started to feel bad at the end of the second one. I thought it was just a bit of heatstroke because it was 95 degrees with 70% humidity, but then it stayed through Sunday. Then this morning I woke up with a fever that I wasn’t very happy about. So hopefully it passes quick because we have a ton of stuff to do this week.
We had a couple cool things happen this week with contacting member referrals and finally getting in contact with some part member families we’ve been asked to go by. The Canfields, our senior missionary couple, have done a great job in helping us track down some less-active and part-member families. We’ll be meeting with two of the part-member families this week and they both are super awesome and want to come back to church. They both have kids that have yet to be baptized so we’re going to have the primary help us out a ton. The primary presidency in Flint are really awesome and I’ve loved working with them all.
Thursday was a sad day and a fun day all in one. We got a call from our Bishop informing us that our ward mission leader’s wife had passed away the night before. She went to Arizona about a month ago because he had retired and they wanted to move out by family. He had to stick around for a bit to pack up and sell the house and was planning to leave at the end of July. Anyway, we usually have our coordination meeting on Thursdays but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. We still decided to get all 9 missionaries together to go and visit our WML and we all signed a card for him. It was a good visit and he was glad to see all of us.
Thursday evening we went over to the Smith’s house for a bbq dinner.
We also fried up the fish we caught on Monday. Did you know Bass has 20g of protein in just two ounces?? David Smith is a pretty good cook too so dinner was really good.
For the 4th of July we had to be in by 7:30 so we obviously didn’t get to to any fireworks. We did get to play the fun Flint guessing game “Firework or Gunshot?” It’s a fun game and your answer is only confirmed by if you hear sirens or not, and you only hear sirens if someone dies haha.
Saturday morning we went to a members house and helped him cut and haul wood. With all the tornado warnings and sever thunderstorms that were coming through last month, he had two trees downed on his property. After that project we went to meet a part-member family The Canfields, introduced us to. We stuck around for awhile and helped them level some of their land for a swimming pool they were putting in. It was a lot of digging and we were so sore the next day!
Sunday was my last fast-sunday as a missionary. I wasn’t planning on bearing my testimony because I had done it last week for missionary sunday, but in the end I was pressured into it by a few members of the ward. I bore my testimony about the blessings of a mission and talked about how everything at home has just been working out for me since I came on a mission. I haven’t really had to worry about school or money or anything to much and I know it’s because of my missionary service.
Plus I talked about how awesome my parents are in taking care of everything for me 😉
Well, I think that’s about all the time I have today. Now I’m going to go home, hit the drugs, and crash out for the next few hours until our appointment at six. I can’t believe I only have three more emails to write after this. I’m not trunky. I’M NOT TRUNKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-The All Original All American Elder Rushton
P.S. You know, with all this news about planes and helicopters crashing left and right, I’m not so sure about flying home anymore 🙂
Elder Erik M Rushton