Where’s My Turkey?? -letter from 11/19/2012

This week was a pretty good week but we were really busy. We had to go to two training meetings on Wednesday and Thursday and they lasted pretty much the entire day. Plus it takes about an hour to drive to the chapel we went to. They were still good meetings though and I learned a lot. And it was nice to see all my missionary friends again too. We were really focusing on how to work with ward leadership and ward members and I got some pretty good ideas to try out. We also focused a lot on how to introduce the Book of Mormon to someone by just sharing our testimony and sharing a favorite passage. At the end of the second meeting though, Elder Stark locked the keys inside our car and we had to wait for another half hour for the roadside assistance guy to come and unlock it. That wasn’t fun.

We also had a ward game night on Friday and we had a few investigators and less actives that we’ve been working with show up. It was a lot of fun. We were hoping to have a baptism next Saturday but that’s not going to happen… Some people get so close and then just fail at the end. It’s lame, but maybe they’ll accept later. We still have a few awesome investigators that will hopefully be baptized in December so keep your fingers crossed.

We don’t have a ton of stuff going on this week except for Thanksgiving. And hopefully that gets all worked out so we don’t get stuck eating ramen casserole for thanksgiving! I’m sure someone will invite us over. Last year in Romeo we had something like 4 dinner appointments! Elder Erickson and I were so full that all I ate the next day was a pop tart. We reeeaaaallly wanted to get tickets to the Lions game, but they’re really expensive and there’s no way we would be able to get permission to go.

Well I’m running out of time so I guess I better finish up. Thanks for all the letters and packages and stuff. That scripture case you sent me is really nice! I wish I would’ve had it from the beginning of my mission. It’s really nice when you’re tracting and you have your scriptures hanging right by your side so you can whip them out when you need to.

Well I hope everyone has a good week!


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