So I found out on Saturday that I will be staying in Warren for another transfer. I bet I will end up being here for another 3 months actually. That would fit right in line with my time in Romeo and in Howell. We’ll see though. Elder Stark is getting transferred and we’re both happy and sad about it. I like getting new companions but at the same time it kind of sucks having to learn how to work with a new person all over again. Elder Stark was in Warren for 7 1/2 months so he is pretty nervous about leaving. The whole weekend was basically us going around to everyone so he could say goodbye. It’s always lame when your companion gets transferred because you always feel kind of left out during all the goodbyes. I remember when Elder Erickson left it was like nobody even knew I was there! Of course he was going home and he had been in Romeo for 6 months… Anyway, so I’ll be getting a new companion and I really hope he doesn’t suck. So far, I haven’t really hated any of my companions and I’ve gotten along fine with all of them. But before I came out, everyone kept warning me that I’ll get companions I don’t really like and I feel like I can only dodge the bullet for so long!
We have had a lot of cool stuff happen to us this past week. We have a couple awesome investigators that came to church with us which was great. Elder Stark spoke in sacrament and whenever a missionary speaks we use that to draw more people to church 🙂 Our strongest investigator is also going to be the one who is driving us to our transfer meeting tomorrow. We announced in Priesthood meeting that we needed someone to drive us to transfers on Tuesday, and before anyone else could even think about it he volunteered So we might be the only missionaries that have an INVESTIGATOR taking us to transfers which is pretty cool. He actually visited Temple Square while he was on a business trip to Utah and that’s where he first became interested in the Gospel. So hopefully soon he’ll be getting baptized.
We’re getting prepared for our Ward Christmas Party coming up on the 15th. We’ve been doing a member lesson lately where we teach the members how to make a Family Mission Plan and so far it has gone well. We basically give them a sheet to fill out where they create a family mission statement, set goals they want to achieve related to missionary work, and then come up with actions they’re going to take to achieve those goals. A goal would be something like inviting someone to a ward activity, inviting a neighbor to family home evening or to dinner, and things like that. So far it has been well received in the ward even though we’ve only taken it to three families so far. We made an announcement in sacrament meeting that we want to come around and see every member in the ward during the month of December so hopefully we’ll have some members become more willing to have us over. We’re really pushing for people to invite people to the Ward Christmas Party. We had a really good non-member/less-active member turnout for the Halloween party so hopefully this one will be just as successful.
Well I hope everyone has a good week this week! I don’t know what time I’m calling home on Christmas yet. I probably won’t know until the Monday before. But I hope everyone’s looking forward to it!
-Love Erik