July 16th-Spending a Couple Days in the Hospital

Hurley Hospital Flint, Michigan

Erik had a nice stay in Hurley Hospital

Erik didn’t get P day this week.  He was in the hospital in Flint Michigan.  He kept getting sicker and sicker all week and then went to the Insta-care last Friday.  They thought he just needed to wait it out and stay on his antibiotic but by Sunday morning, Erik’s companion knew he needed help.  He was coughing and couldn’t breathe very well. They called the Mission President and he told them to go to the Emergency room.  Erik was admitted to the hospital on Sunday morning with Pneumonia.  The mission President called us and told us that he had been admitted and gave us permission to call him!

We called him Sunday afternoon and he didn’t sound very good. He said he was on oxygen and an IV (the first of 2) His spirits were good but he was tired and no appetite.  He has had many visitors including the Mission President and his wife.  We called him again on Monday and he was feeling a little better.  Today, Tuesday, he was released in the afternoon to go home.  He found out that one lung was 2/3 full of fluid and the other was 1/3 full!  It’s good they had him in the hospital!

He has to go back in 10 days for another chest x-ray to make sure the fluid is gone, but he is not taking pain medication any more and his fever is gone.

Thanks for everyone’s prayers on Erik’s behalf.  We are grateful for his Mission President, his companion and those in his ward that came to check on him.

2 more weeks and he will be home!

Erik Returns To The Mission Field

Setting Erik Apart For His Mission

Erik's Setting Apart

We’re happy to announce that Erik has returned to complete his mission in Detroit, Michigan. Erik flew out of Salt Lake City on October 3, 2011. We are sad to have him gone but excited that he is continuing the work he began last year. His testimony of the atonement is much stronger and he is ready to preach the gospel.

Erik flew out with some other missionaries that came from the MTC and were on their way to Detroit as well. We are waiting to hear who Erik’s new companion is. We do have his address and he would love to get letters from anyone that wants to write to him. Here is his new address:

Elder Erik Rushton
514 Plum Ct.
Romeo, MI 48065

We will be updating Erik’s blog with his letters home so check back often.

Erik Leaving For Detroit At The Airport

Erik Leaving For Detroit - Salt Lake City Airport

Temporarily Home

Dear friends and family,

Thank you for the love and support that you have shown me these past few months as I left to go to serve the Lord in Detroit. Unfortunatly, I have had to return home to take care of some personal issues. Everything is running smoothly as planned and I will be eligible to return to Detroit next September. I hope that you can all continue to support me and I look forward to further preparing myself to serve the Lord the best I can.

Love, Erik

Erik’s Flying out on Monday, Sept 20th

Erik sent a short letter home with a photo of his flight plans.  He has to be ready to leave the MTC on Monday, Sept 20th by 4 AM!  His flight is at 7 AM and he will arrive in Detroit Michigan at 12:46 PM local time. We are looking forward to a short phone call from him while in the airport–at least that is what we hear! You can still write to him FREE through Dearelder.com for a few more days!  After that it will be snail mail but we will give you the address. He already loves to get letters!

Erik Enters The MTC September 1, 2010

Erik Rushton

Erik Was A Little Grouchy Before He Became A Missionary

Erik entered the MTC on September 1st with much hugging and crying from his parents. He’s excited to be there and is looking forward to homesickness, caffeine withdrawal and everything that accompanies the first week in the MTC.

One bad part of dropping him off that day was that due to construction, even the MTC sign in front of the building was torn down.   At least we knew he was going to the right place because of all the other missionaries being dropped off! Because of the new drop off guidelines, we had to turn him over to another Elder who helped get his luggage across the street and into the MTC.  Our prayers are with you Erik!