Penticton–The Utah Valley of the North‏

Penticton – The Utah Valley of the North

Hey everyone!

Well, I made it to Canada! The plane ride was 2hr15min but it was quite enjoyable. We had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to get to the bus. They drove us to the frontrunner station in Provo and pretty much set us loose [...]

Skyler Arrived in Vancouver Canada!

We received a short email from Skyler’s mission President Friday announcing that he had arrived safe and that we will hear from him on Monday. We won’t have his new address until then.

Elder Skyler Rushton with mission President Tilleman and Sister Tilleman


Skyler Leaves the MTC for Vancouver!

Skyler will be leaving the MTC on Wednesday, August 21st! We are excited to hear from him before he flies out to Vancouver Canada! We will post his new address as soon as we have it! In the meantime, you can still email him at

He would love to hear from you!

1st Week MTC: Aug 15th 2013

Skyler set apart as a missionary August 6, 2013

Well, I’ve been in the MTC for a whole week now and a couple really amazing things have happened to me so far:

1. I was called to be a Zone Leader for my Branch (#26) the second day I was here

2. I gave [...]

Letter from the MTC Aug 13, 2013

Skyler sent us a letter from the MTC! He has been there one week and has one week to go.


Dear Family,

I have to make this short because it’s not my P-day (that’s Thursday!) but I just felt bad for getting so many letters and not writing any back! I just want to [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 6 months, 8 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes, 29 seconds ago