Hello family and friends! This last week was transfers and I’m staying in Penticton until, at least, the middle of November! So Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful for the most part. Our 80 yr old investigator had a birthday party Wednesday morning at 12:00 so we dropped off a nice religious birthday card with a nice note inside from us! We bought it at a London Drugs store and originally I thought it was only going to be like a dollar or two but it turned out to be… $7.80!!! It was soooo dumb! It was just two pieces of paper stapled together! But it’s ok, I’m over it now…
So Wednesday at 1:00 we got on a bus to head to Vancouver for transfer meeting. From the Okanagan (the valley I live in) to Vancouver is about a 7 hour bus ride. But the busses ran late and we didn’t get to Langley (just outside of Vancouver) until around 8:20. During the bus ride, we experienced every single kind of weather you can imagine!
As we left the Okanagan, it was a nice, sunny day. It was probably around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. As we traveled east for an hour, we came to a town called Merritt. We drove through a BLIZZARD in Merritt!! It was nuts how fast the weather changed! The temperature there was about 25 degrees Fahrenheit. Then about an hour later we were in another valley and we were driving through a downpour the entire time! It was warmer, but rained non-stop. Then, as we got closer to Vancouver, it stopped raining finally and turned into a nice night.
So we stayed the night at the White Rock Elders apartment which isn’t too far from Vancouver. When we woke up the next morning, we walked outside into the thickest fog I have ever seen in my life! You literally couldn’t see more than three feet in front of you! Apparently they get that every morning and it rains like crazy all winter. It doesn’t snow at all in Vancouver, but the rain is non-stop.
So we went to transfer meeting in Richmond (again, just outside of Vancouver) and President Tilleman and his wife both gave excellent trainings. Our goal for October is 125 baptisms as a mission– 1 per companionship. Elder Sly and I have to get cracking on it because our most promising investigator, dropped us last night. We’ve been helping him stop smoking and trying to get him baptized, but last night he told us that he didn’t want to be baptized. So that really stunk because he was on a baptismal date for Oct. 26th. Our 80 year old investigator has also fallen off the face of the earth so currently we have no progressing investigators and we have to baptize before the end of this month… It will be a challenge… But the Lord will provide a way.
If there’s anything I learned from conference (which was awesome by the way!) it was that I shouldn’t give up hope; especially if it means affecting someone’s eternal salvation and happiness. I don’t plan too, but right now I’m praying for a miracle investigator to baptize! I’m also praying for all of you guys too, so don’t feel too left out!
Well that’s about it for this last week! Hopefully we have more success this next week and find more people to teach and to baptize! Have a great week everyone! I love all of you!
–Elder Rushton The Third
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