Penticton, A Canadian Missionary’s Paradise‏

Skyler in the MTC

Hey friends and family! How are all of you?? Good… Good… So onto my week!

So, British Columbia is basically the California of Canada. It’s warm, on the coast and pretty weird. And Penticton is basically the St. George of Utah so that’s a double bonus making the Okanagan Valley [...]


Skyler taking a photo of the Book of Mormon

This week was transfer week!! The result: Elder Sly got transferred to be a Zone Leader again and my new companion in Penticton is Elder Bolkcom! Elder Bolkcom was already in my District so I knew him; I was super glad when I heard he [...]

The Great WHITE North

The outside of Skyler’s apartment.

SNOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!! That’s all I have to say this week, so have a great week everyone!

Nah, just kidding; but it’s true! We got snow last Tuesday and it’s snowed a couple times since! Most of the snow melts down here in the actual valley, but all of [...]

The Great Gray North

Skyler’s dorm in the MTC

This last week was super good! However, I haven’t seen the sun for about a week and half. Nothing. But. Clouds. But it’s still been fun! It’s getting colder here–about 40 degrees at night (however, “night” is five o’clock because the sun is down by then)–but it hasn’t snowed [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 5 months, 13 days, 8 hours, 9 minutes, 34 seconds ago