Okanagan Or Okanagon? Letter from Jan 27 2014

Skyler Doing Dishes in Penticton, Canada

I don’t normally complain in my letters, and I don’t count these as complaints, these are just things I’ve learned since I’ve been in Canada and throughout this week!:

1. Spelling in Canada is different from the U.S.

For example: Center is Centre. Okanagon is Okanagan. Theater is [...]

Penticton, Home to Just About Everything​… And Me! Jan 20th Letter

Elder Skyler Rushton and his companions in Penticton, Canada

Sorry the title isn’t very creative… I just couldn’t think of a good way to start!

So this week was pretty good actually! There were a lot of ups, and there were a lot of downs, but we learned a lot and we will keep [...]

Reflections on the Week-Skyler January 13, 2014

Skyler with Elder Jensen

This was a really good week! We had pretty great results again this week and the work is going really well in Penticton! We haven’t had much luck with progressing people towards baptism, however, and it seems like we just have a revolving door of investigators every week. Nothing outright [...]

It’s 2014 Already?

Elder Skyler Rushton Studying

Man, I can NOT believe that it is already the year 2014! It seems like 2013 just flew by!

So it’s getting to the point in my mission now where even crazy stuff that happens to me on a weekly basis, does not seem very crazy. This week wasn’t out [...]

A Totes-Cray-Cray Week

Elder Skyler Rushton doing mission paperwork.

The title says it all! This was by far the craziest, longest, most miraculous week of my mission! I don’t want to spoil any of it, so let’s get on to the week!

Monday: We finished up P-day and James cancelled our appointment on [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 6 months, 8 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes, 49 seconds ago