Canada: A Foreign Land

Skyler with Elder Woolf

For the first three or so days of this week, I don’t feel like I talked to a single white person. But that’s ok, I don’t like them anyways… Haha kidding, kidding.

So this week was pretty good! It wasn’t quite the spiritual high like last [...]

An Asian, a Persian, a Menonite and a Black guy walk into a church…

Elder Skyler Rushton and his new style of wearing a tie.

I know, I know, it’s not the greatest e-mail title in the world but it’s what I’ve got haha.

Salome! (“hello” in Farci!)

This week was crazy (as they all seem to be) but lots of cool things happened this week! We [...]

The Church is True!

Elders Crossing a Bridge (photo by Skyler Rushton)

The subject line says it all. Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the twelve came to our mission along with Elder Marcos A. Aidukitis of the seventy, Bishop Causse of the presiding bishopric and our area authority, Elder Christenson. It. Was. Incredible. Words can NOT describe [...]

Cupcakes are Like Sin

Elder Skyler Rushton enjoying a Canadian snack food.

I know what you’re thinking, “WHAT is that title?!” Well, I promised Elder Johnston that it would be the title of my e-mail this week ha-ha. And the title is true! Cupcakes look really good for you and they’re really sweet at first, but what happens [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 5 months, 13 days, 7 hours, 33 minutes, 48 seconds ago