Lu’au In Langley!

Ephesians 6:11-13 "Put on the whole armour of God."

Ephesians 6:11-13 “Put on the whole armour of God.”

Good afternoon world! The sun is out, the moose are roaming, the beavers are singing and transfer calls are passed! It’s the end of another crazy week in the great Future-United-State of Canada!

Well, I’m not going anywhere for transfers! Looks like I’ll be in Langley for six more weeks! Which I’m content with; Langley is a super good area and our zone has been one of the top zones in the mission for the last two months! The work here has just exploded and our zone of 12 companionships baptized 2-3 people a week. So that’s pretty good if you ask me! Last week, our zone found 234 new investigators and taught 137 Member Present Lessons which is incredible considering that that is about what the mission was at when I first got here! My first week in the mission, the mission found 110 new investigators and taught 300 member present lessons. Now the mission is at about 1,500 new investigators and 600 MPL’s a week. Those numbers are shocking if you ask me!

So Elder Bennett and I found about 18 new investigators last week, so we did pretty good there! We are going to get some members out street contacting with us next week so we can go on splits and I’m sure that we’ll have even more success! All day Saturday was wrecked with our Ward Lu’au. We painted a lady’s fence and power washed her house in the morning, and then we went to the church for the rest of the day! Elder Bennett and I took some selfies with the roasted pigs and then set up stuff for our temple walk around. While we were helping set up the sound system for the Polynesian dancing, I noticed that at the front of the stage, they had a banner that said, “Aloah!” And I was like, “Uh… that’s not how you spell it.” And the lady who spelled it was like, “What do you mean?” So I told her, “You spell it A-L-O-H-A.” but she still didn’t get it, so I walked up to the banner (luckily you could move the letters around!) and fixed it and she said, “Ohhhhhh, that looks MUCH more Hawaiian!” Not exactly sure what that means, but all I learned from Saturdays that white people cannot party like Polynesians. Also, skinny white kids doing the Haka is super funny.

Our temple tours were pretty good! I learned a lot about the temple here in Langley from doing it and everyone that came on the tours loved the temple! We didn’t get any referrals from the Luau itself… but yesterday Elder Bennett and I ran into a guy who came on the street and he became a new investigator! So hopefully that continues to happen! The food was super good; we had chop suey, some kind of noodles, rice, stir-fry, coconut cake and of course, pig! However, even with roasting two pigs, they ran out of pig by the time Elder Bennett and I got around to eating… so that was a letdown. And it was a flash back to back home when Bonne Nuit played Long horn days and they didn’t feed us because they ran out of food… sad times haha. But what we did eat was excellent and the Polynesian dancing was great. However, watching girls dance with their hips is super awkward as a missionary when you are trying to talk to non-members at the same time…

Also this week, we gave a blessing to a recently moved in sister in the ward. While we were there, she was showing us all these church books she was reading. One of them just happened to be, “The Life Before” By Brent L. Top; my stake president back home!! So that was crazy! We also met a bunch of people with missing limbs this week that became investigators. One investigator was missing a leg, but I found out he is in a hardcore punk band playing guitar! He and I talked about punk music for like 30 minutes and he was super funny.

Well that’s really about it for this week! The weather up here has been great and the sky when the sun is going down has been b-e-a-utiful! British Columbia is known for its beautiful skies and it sure hasn’t been disappointing me! I hope you all have an excellent week and that the spirit of the Lord is with you wherever you go! Love you all!!!

–Elder Rushton The Third

PS: Note from Mom–Skyler’s 19th Birthday is on June 26th!

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