2015 Year of Miracles Begins!

Skyler Rushton playing pool.

Elder Rushton shoots some pool.

Hello everyone!

This was a crazy week! Before I jump into what happened this week, I just found out today that a kid a taught in Penticton a year ago just got baptized on Sunday!! We did it Elder Bolkcom! And it only took us another year haha! So that was cool to find out today. I also got transferred this week! I am back in New Westminster in a trio with Elder Sanders and Elder Lunt. It has been somewhat of a party since we got here, and we’ve been working super hard and seeing miracles too. It has been a good week!

Monday night we got our transfer calls! I left, Elder Anderson went to Vernon and one of my former companions–Elder Atwood–is coming to the YSA to be my zone leader! We have such a good zone this transfer, I’m excited! Monday night we had FHE with the YSA and we played some weird game where you had to make animal noises and stuff… I don’t even want to talk about it, it was weird ha-ha. YSA definitely has its ups and downs! I will miss it, but I’m glad to be back in this ward! I’ve got some good friends in the members here–which is what this ward needs right now because they usually don’t trust the missionaries!

Tuesday was a day of saying goodbye to YSA members, packing, and making travel plans for all the departing and incoming missionaries for the zone. Now that was a Gong Show. It was so crazy. I had to drive a missionary to Richmond at 10 p.m. so he could catch his ferry the next morning. It’s about a 20 minute drive both ways. For those of you that don’t know, we are supposed to be in by 9pm on a “normal” day. And then we were up making more travel plans until about 1 in the morning. It was a long day haha!

Wednesday: The biggest gong show of them all. We were driving missionaries to the greyhound station, picking them up from the ferry terminal and from the airport from 5am to 1pm. Then I finally got to go to New West with my new companions! We had a great day afterwards, and I was VERY tired that night haha.

Thursday through Sunday was really good, and the majority of it was spent finding. We found some new investigators which was sick, and taught some of the people I was teaching when I was here last. It has been closed for about three weeks now so we didn’t have a lot to work with, but we made stuff happen and it was really cool! ……Except when they closed this area, they left no food here in this apartment… so we’ve been living off of rice. Literally. That’s all we have! But that will change today haha.

Well that is pretty much it for the week! Life is going good for us up here in Canada, it has been crazy foggy though. It’s almost like we are in a horror movie or something… But all is well! I hope you all have an excellent week! Love you all, talk to you later!

–Elder Rushton The Third

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Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 6 months, 8 days, 7 hours, 14 minutes, 9 seconds ago