Meeting Mormons in the Spring

Elder Lewis and Elder Rushton

Hello everyone!! This has been a good week, really busy, but really rewarding. The major event was our YSA activity on Sunday where we watched, “Meet The Mormons”! It was funny, because we told everyone we were showing it but never actually got a copy of the movie… So [...]

Subject……..Missions, Rock!

Elder Shin with Elder Skyler Rushton

Hello to my Friends and Family both home and abroad! I love you all and pray for you daily. So, I couldn’t think of a so called “clever” subject for this email. So I chose the first two words that came to my head: Missions and Rock. Missions, [...]

#BecauseHeLives I’ll See Elder Shin Again!

Elder Skyler Rushton

Hello everyone!! This was an eventful week, capped off beautifully by Easter/Conference weekend! Monday night, Elder Robinson and I sent Elder Shin on the ferry to the Mainland so he could catch his flight on Wednesday back to New Zealand. It was an emotional goodbye for all of us. But [...]

Missions: Live, Die, Baptize

Elder Skyler Rushton with his companions.

Helloooo friends and family! It has been another miracle week in good ol’ Courtenay, British Columbia! We had transfer calls last night, and Elder Robinson and I are staying for at least 6 more weeks! Yay! But we are very sadly losing Elder Shin today–shipping him off to [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 1 month, 4 days, 11 hours, 5 minutes, 1 second ago