A Series of Crazy Events!

This pig seems to be very interested in Elder Rushton

We had a seriously crazy week here on Vancouver Island, but they were just some more “days never to be forgotten!”

Monday we did the usual, went to a boardwalk by the Ocean for P-day, had dinner at a recent converts house, taught a [...]

Elder’s Rushton, Swallow, Higley–Nanaimo 2.0

Elder Skyler Rushton staring down the sow.

Hello everyone!! So transfers have totally come and gone this week. I am in Nanaimo in a tri with Elder Higley and Elder Swallow! Tri-life is awesome and there is never a dull moment. Another huge advantage is that we can do splits with a member to [...]

Nanaimo–Surrey By The Sea (+ Madre’s Day:)

Elder Skyler Rushton Skype’s on Mother’s Day

So Surrey, British Columbia has a reputation as the most dangerous city in British Columbia. My new area, Nanaimo, has the nickname of “Surrey By The Sea”. Just to give you an idea of what it’s like, they had a full blown swat team downtown last week. [...]

Missionary Work and Bunnies

Elder Skyler Rushton on the farm.

What is the relation between missionary work and bunnies? A lot actually. They both come out of places that you just aren’t expecting. Like bunnies out of a hole behind the church, or missionary opportunities in the washroom of a gas station. You just never know. Also, sometimes [...]

Baptism By Immersion In Water And Fire

Elder Skyler Rushton

Hello friends and family, brothers and sisters, brethren and… sistren? It has been another eventful week in the Canada Vancouver mission! This was the week of an investigators baptism in Courtenay. He was baptized by Elder Robinson on Saturday and then confirmed by Elder Rushton (that would be me for those [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 1 month, 4 days, 12 hours, 54 minutes, 37 seconds ago