A Series of Crazy Events!

Elder Skyler Rushton with pig

This pig seems to be very interested in Elder Rushton

We had a seriously crazy week here on Vancouver Island, but they were just some more “days never to be forgotten!”

Monday we did the usual, went to a boardwalk by the Ocean for P-day, had dinner at a recent converts house, taught a lesson–the usual. Then Tuesday, we went on exchange with the Duncan Elders; Elder Hancock came to Nanaimo with Elder Swallow and I. Our day was nuts! The Assistants called with plans for Presidents Burt’s visit the next day, so Elder Swallow and I had to hash out how every missionary in the zone was going to get interviewed. While we were doing that, we had to go help another recent convert move to some land that he was “taking from the government”/ I think he was just squatting on it/ I had no idea what was going on ha-ha! We ran around like chickens with our heads cut off the rest of the day– BUT we actually had our heads on, and churned out a bunch of lessons! So it was a crazy day.

Wednesday, President Burt came for a district meeting in Nanaimo! He also interviewed all the Elders and Sisters (except for us–we were the next morning) and we were basically his servants for the rest of the day.

We met with the stake presidency that night, went to Whitespot afterwards with President–it was a crazy day! I got to teach one lesson by myself on splits with a member though, so that was cool. I taught our friend Josh who lives in a group home (for people with disabilities) and during the lesson, three other people he lives with came over and just wanted to talk about the most outrageous things ha-ha. Like, “How do we fix the economy? Print more money!!!! Where did the dinosaurs come from? I don’t think dinosaurs actually every existedthe oil was just placed here by communist Aliens!” So, yeah. I’ll leave it up to you to imagine that major gong show. We also did a sweet role playing activity with the young men that night which was also drew some funny responses: “When was the Book of Mormon written? 1788!!!! Where does it talk place?? Mexico!! Is it the Mormon Bible? Yes!!” Classic.

Thursday morning we had interviews with President where he talked about marriage almost the whole time with me, and was like, “Elder Rushton, we only have less than 90 days left with you… What are we going to do when you are gone?!” It was really touching actually; I love my Mission President a lot! Also Thursday, we actually did another exchange with Duncan, except this time Elder Vanatta came to Nanaimo with us. We had a great exchange, set a baptismal date with a former we tracked down via– The Spirit. I felt like we needed to go to the “Value Lodge” motel in town, and lo and behold, our good friend (and investigator) was there! He accepted a baptismal date, and now he’s on his way! Friday I had my first surgery on my right ingrown toe nail, and the next one will be this upcoming Friday. It was pretty nasty, but it feels a lot better now! Then we taught some peeps, helped an investigator spring clean, had dinner with a part-member family and tried to exchange to get Elder Higley back from Duncan, but had some miscommunications and didn’t get him back! He was literally in the same change of clothes for three days on exchanges whilst he followed the spirit. He’s such an awesome guy and he changed the Duncan Elders missions, so it was worth it I’m sure.

Saturday we had to work UBER hard to reach standards for the week, and there was also a wedding for a less active couple we attended. I really like less active people’s weddings, because there are always tons of non-members there for us to talk too; and it isn’t even awkward! The funniest comment was when one of the super old guests was, “This place kinda feels like a church…” And his friend said, “I think it is a church!” And I said, “It most definitely is a church! We worship Jesus here!” I think it was a lot funnier in the moment…

Sunday we also worked hard, had a good time at church (Elder Higley left AGAIN, and went to go speak with a high Counselor in Campbell River, where they just recently had their missionaries taken away) and then drove up to Port Alberni to spend the night! So there you go. That was my week. Pretty gnarly eh? It was fun, and this week will feel like a vacation. We are here in Port Alberni for exchanges today, we’ll be in Powell River tomorrow, Courtenay Wednesday then finally back in Nanaimo Thursday just in time for me to go on exchanges with Nanaimo South. Crazy week. Have a great week everybody! I love you all! Talk to you later!!

Elder Skyler Rushton

1 comment to A Series of Crazy Events!

  • Jon Wadley

    It’s a lot of fun reading this and remembering when I was up there! I served in Nanaimo, Duncan and Victoria on the island. If you get the chance, ask Skyler if he’s met the D’lerma family. If not, he should stop by and meet them, their address is 2635 Starlight Trail in Nanaimo. They were active in the church when I was up there but not sure if they still are.

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