Never a Normal Week–June 8th Email

Elder Skyler Rushton with his companions.

Hello everyone! It was one of those weeks where every day seemed to mesh together and I am just pooped! One of my comps (Elder Swallow) always says, “Oh, poop!” And the other (Elder Higley) says, “Aw, Frank!” When things get real; and this week, things got real! [...]

Over Mountains, Plains and Seas

Elder Skyler Rushton riding the ferry.

Hello everyone! It was another incredible week here on Vancouver Island and it has been HOT! We went into a water advisory thingie for the city of Nanaimo yesterday because it hasn’t rained in almost two weeks. For here, that’s insane. There are no sprinkler systems because it’s [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 5 months, 13 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes, 41 seconds ago