Transit-Transfers-Tacos & My Last Six Weeks June 22 2015

Elder Skyler Rushton on P-Day

This was another scorching week here on Vancouver Island! A LOT went down–especially near the end of the week–but my email title sums it all up in one great sentence: Transit-Transfers-Tacos & My Last Six Weeks. We took our car into the auto body shop on Tuesday where they [...]

2 Peter 3:12–A Fervent Heat! And Baptisms! June 15 2015

A Canadian Baptism!

2 Peter 3:12–”Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?”

To give you a perspective of how the weather was this week, this scripture sums it up great! We are [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 5 months, 13 days, 7 hours, 24 minutes, 18 seconds ago