Is This the End? Last Email from Skyler

Sunset over Nanaimo, Canada

Sunset over Nanaimo, Canada. Photo by Skyler Rushton

“But behold, it was not so…” I’m not dead yet everyone! I’ve still got a whole week left! There are people to find, lives to change and salvation to gain! But that’s not the end of the scripture…”but it was appointed unto men that they must die…” (Alma 12:27) And so it is. Every missionary has to go home someday, and so it will be with me in a week and a half. I am almost out of time for emailing because I had to get a lot of “departing missionary” stuff done… so I apologize. I don’t know if I will be able to email next week. I leave after church on Sunday on a ferry for the Lower Mainland. I will be there until I fly out Wednesday. I go to the temple on Tuesday, as well as have a final dinner/testimony meeting with the Burt’s. That will be intense. But this week, we have a zone meeting on Friday we have to do, and then just work hard the rest of the other days! Last week, we went on exchanges in Duncan on Tuesday which were great, had district meeting on Wednesday as well as have a meeting with the stake Presidency Wednesday night. That was intense! But really good; a lot was accomplished. Then I went up to Courtenay Thursday and Friday to work with those Elders. I said goodbye to all of my friends up there, and it was really sad! I like the people here in Nanaimo too, but Courtenay is still my favorite place on the Island! The Elders up there are taking really good care of everything, so I was happy about that. We taught a crazy Evangelical Christian guy while I was there though… That…. did not go very well haha. At one point all I asked was, “Would you ever read the Book of Mormon?” And he said, “Joseph Smith does not produce salvation!!!!!!” At that point, we were all fed up with him and left because he just wasn’t listening. I am not going to waste my precious time in the service of the Lord with crazy people like him! It was a good learning experience for the greenie missionary up there.

As I approach the end of my mission, almost everyone has asked me, “Are you trunky yet?” The answer? Not at all. It’s not like I’ve put on some weird robot-missionary mode the last two years. I’ve been nothing but Elder Skyler Rushton the whole time and while that’s gotten me into some trouble sometimes, it has also allowed the Atonement to work on who I really am, not anyone I’m pretending to be. The Lord called ME to this work and while I haven’t felt qualified for that responsibility, He has brought me through it all and it has been glorious. I plan on working hard until I am released from this sacred calling. I haven’t loved every second of my mission, but as I reflect on the mission as a whole, it brings me great joy. I have seen people get baptized who I never imagined would, but luckily God had a better plan for them. I trust that the Lord will bless me even after I arrive home because of my faithful service. The gospel is true, and by that I mean that it proceeded forth from the mouth of our Father–even God. I have had a duty to testify of Him these last 24 months. I know He is there, I know He loves us, and I know His Son, Jesus Christ, lives. All other knowledge is icing on top. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all so much! God has filled me with that love. Thank you all for your support, encouragement and love these last two years. May the Lord continue to bless you all!!!

With Great Love and Respect (especially to those serving missions),

–Elder Skyler Rushton

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Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 6 months, 8 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, 2 seconds ago