“Home” Is Where Your Heart Is

Elder Skyler Rushton Reunited with his family after 2 years!

Hello everyone! This email comes to you today from my missionary email, but I am sadly no longer a set apart missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints… However, my original ministerial certificate I received as a missionary still has a [...]

Is This the End? Last Email from Skyler

Sunset over Nanaimo, Canada. Photo by Skyler Rushton

“But behold, it was not so…” I’m not dead yet everyone! I’ve still got a whole week left! There are people to find, lives to change and salvation to gain! But that’s not the end of the scripture…”but it was appointed unto men that they must [...]

Road Trip Exchanges, Costco Food & Miracles Out The Wazzu!

Elder Skyler Rushton with Vancouver companions

Hello everyone! This was a really spectacular week where we really moved the needle and saw miracles!

We left last Monday night after P-day to travel to Courtenay for the first stop of our North Island/Sunshine Coast Road Trip. We went on exchanges with those Elders–I was with [...]

“That Really Moved the Needle” July 13, 2015

Elder Rushton with the Vancouver, Canada missionaries.

This week, we really moved the needle. At least, that’s how Elder Higley would say it ha-ha. We had a zone conference with President & Sister Burt on Tuesday that was legit, set a baptismal date with our favorite Native grandma and scrapped together a solid week [...]

Canada Day–Murica’s B-day–Water, Fire and Smog July 6 2015

Smoke from fires in Nanaimo, Canada

Hello everyone! It was a pretty eventful week! We had Canada Day July 1st, a baptism in Courtenay on the 3rd, America’s Birthday on the 4th, a giant forest fire sometime on Friday up until… well, now, and a whole ton of smog here in Nanaimo due to [...]

Skyler has been home this long-

  • Skyler has been home for:
    9 years, 6 months, 8 days, 6 hours, 50 minutes, 52 seconds ago