When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    10 years, 10 months, 25 days, 17 hours, 44 minutes, 42 seconds ago

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Elder Austin Rushton bowling

Elder Austin Rushton and his companions bowling

So this P-day I’m emailing the old fashioned way: in our church’s family history center. Meanwhile, my iPad is fifty miles away in Lakeview, OR. What is it doing there you ask? Well you see, a man in a teal bowler hat came in a time machine and took it away from me.

Ok, ok, that didn’t happen, but we did drive with the Lakeview elders to district meeting this week, so I must have left it at their apartment on the way back on accident, along with my side bag, camera, and other stuff I use all the time. So the past few days have been…different. Without my side bag, I feel pretty casual and light. I’ve been using my backpack in the meantime to carry a few pamphlets and copies of the Book of Mormon, but without all the heavy stuff in my side bag and with the weight centered on my back, it’s just not the same. And of course without my iPad, my companion and I have been having to cope with only being able to use his to update our area book, plan, and show digital presentations in lesson situations. It’s really not so bad, but it is really very different now that I’ve had my iPad for the better part of my mission.

On the bright side, we finally got some rain here! There has been a terrible drought, so this was much needed. I haven’t seen a good thunderstorm in awhile either, so the lightning and thunder was a treat! Too bad I left my umbrella in my side bag, though! I’ve had to rely on my raincoat to get me through the weather.

We also got around to doing some service this week. We got to weed-whack a less-active member’s driveway! It was on a ranch, so the driveway was pretty large and it took us about an hour using two gas-powered weed-whackers.

The Oregon Eugene Mission, meanwhile, has instituted a new rule: no more lessons without members present. That means, after the first discussion with an investigator, we are no longer authorized to go back again without a member accompanying us. All of our bishops, branch presidents, stake presidents, and mission leaders have been informed of the change, too, so no taking any liberties either! It’s going to be a challenge with our limited number of available members, but we’ll figure it out.

Our investigator  has been found! She went missing on us for about two weeks after she lost her phone, but now hopefully we can get her back on track to be baptized.

Let’s see, what else should I mention…

OH! Elder Townsend and I took the Lakeview elders’ keyboard from their apartment last Monday and have been recording some great new Mormony songs that I think will entertain everyone when I get back. I’d send them now, but the files are just too big!

Alrighty everyone, that’s it this week. I hope you’re all having a fantastic week and that all your wildest dreams are coming true.

Much love,

Elder Austin Rushton

1 comment to IPad-Less

  • LeAnn Rushton

    I really enjoyed reading your letter! You have set such a good example as a missionary! I have enjoyed reading about your missionary experiences and watching you grow during your mission! We love you dearly and are very proud of you! God bless you always!
    Uncle Darrel and Aunt LeAnn

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