When Will Austin Be Home?

  • Austin left on his mission:
    11 years, 7 months, 23 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes, 18 seconds ago

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Overcoming Affliction

Elder Rushton and Elder Kunz Studying

Not every one of my mass emails can be very deep or insightful, but every week I do seem to learn something new. They’re not always outwardly significant, but each one changes my entire outlook on life a little bit more. After enough of these small changes, I [...]

Baptism #2

Elder Austin Rushton and Elder Kunz

That’s right! My second baptism! And we got it in just before Elder Kunz was transferred off to Medford.

When we taught this 17-year-old girl, I tell ya, it all just fell into place. She was so ready for the gospel! We have been teaching [...]

General Authorities Enjoy Meetings…….

Austin and Elder Kunz enjoy a light breakfast

So this past week was pretty standard schpiel until about Thursday. We finally contacted a referral we got two months ago! And had a lesson and it was great! Now whoever teaches this guy gets to deal with the drama of a divorce (it’s not fun [...]

Living Day to Day

Austin Christmas Morning 2013

We are locked in for a baptism on March 8th at 3:00. We have the program pretty much set in stone. Not only that, but I’ve been chosen to confer the Gift of the Holy Ghost: the baptism of fire. It is an honor to be given the opportunity to [...]